
Since 2010, Marinoil is certified under the International Quality Standard ISO 9001:2008 by Germanischer Lloyd.


Quality Statement

We are committed to market and supply marine fuels complying the requirements of our customers and Marine Safety and Environmental Protection regulations, according to the Integrated Management System with qualified staff, suitable facilities and equipment.


Maritime Safety

In 2011, Marinoil was certified as a company, as well as their vessels under the International Safety Management Code (ISM) by Germanisher Lloyd.


Security Statement

In Marinoil Servicios Marítimos SA de CV, we commit to operate our vessels and facilities in the best Security conditions in agreement of the Authority Regulations and full compliance with the guidelines and demands set on Security and Environmental Protection of SOLAS Chapter IX (ISM Code).


In order to achieve this the Company has create a Security Management System, which includes and contains all the requirements of the International Safety Management Code (ISM Code) and describes the Company procedures for the safe operation of their ships, their personnel and the environment protection, ensuring compliance with the rules, regulations and national/international conventions, codes and guidelines setby the Administration, Maritime Organizations and/or classification societies.



MARINOIL® 2013 Carretera Tampico Valles Km 4.5 Col. Moralillo  |  Pánuco, Veracruz, México  |  Tel/Fax +52 (833) 227 5613  |  sales@marinoil.com.mx


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